Water No Get Enemy

As industrialists have been regularly stealing my inventions without offering me any recognition or reward, I've decided to move on to more fertile intellectual pastures. But before doing so, I will share just one more innovation of mine, pertaining to the use of sodium carbonate hydrates (soda ash) to achieve low-cost desalination.

As most chemists know, the mineral Soda Ash can form two distinct hydrates: the polyhydrate, and the monohydrate. The polyhydrate can attract as many as 10 molecules of water for each molecule of Sodium Carbonate, whereas the monohydrate form contains equal molar ratios of the two.

Moreover, the polyhydrate, which forms at temperatures at or below 32 degrees Celsius, loses 90% of its water at temperatures above 35.4 degrees Celsius. And in dry air, loss of the water molecules also quickly occurs.

Soda Ash can therefore easily be used as a hydrophilic "sponge" by manipulating the temperature of the mineral, or simply by exposing its hydrated state to an empty chamber of air, thereby slowly humidifying a dry interior.

How does this pertain to desalination? Well, if this cheap form of humidification is used in conjunction with a separate chamber for water vapor deposition, the result would be clean, cheap drinking water.

This is as much as I'm willing to share about the invention at this point in time. I'm guessing it should be more than enough information though for a corporate scientist somewhere out there to work with. And I wish them the best of luck pretending they alone pioneered the resultant product. I fully expect this world will afford them as much legal protection for their supposed "invention" as they require, and that I will receive nary so much as a simple "thank you" for my own contributions to this effort.

As a side note: if anyone is ever in doubt as to why Western civilization is failing, and falling to pieces, my own personal story can serve as a microcosmic case study. I consider myself to be one of the few people left who is still foolish enough to believe in the benefits of hard work as opposed to outright theft. And everyone can see for themselves just how far my naive approach to life has taken me. While other less accomplished scientists have had entire laboratories, armies of assistants, and millions of dollars in research grants to devote to innovation, I have had only myself. And thus far that has proven to be more than enough for me to not only compete, but also to make prolific advancements in the fields I have studied. But it has yet to earn me a livable wage, or a place in history, nor will either ever be forthcoming so long as I remain a servile to this corrupt land.

When a society encourages iniquity, and penalizes lawfulness, it cannot help but to lose the moral high ground. And wheresoever morality goes, peace and prosperity are sure to soon follow. If anyone wants to turn back the growing dark tides of war, famine, and disease which will soon wash over this misbegotten land, they must take a stand in favor of fairness, equity, and fellowship, and oppose the greedy, selfish interests which are leading humanity ever downwards into the abyss.

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