The Immigrant Song

In the modern world, no news is good news, and all news is bad news. But when images of screaming children being ripped from their weeping mothers' arms and incarcerated in concentration camps hits the airwaves, it's hard to imagine the press becoming much worse. And yet, these days it always does seem to. Moreover, the theatrical attempts to dismiss, downplay, or put a positive spin on such disastrous revelations begin to come across as increasingly absurd and comical, further contributing to the moral hazards which degrade our dire situation.

Believe it or not, this is not a new problem for America. We often call ourselves the land of the free and the home of the brave. I would challenge anyone to point to a single period in our nation's history when that was actually the case, because I have found no such era. Most of the time our ancestors were either exterminating natives or enslaving blacks, both north and south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and even in recent times we've been miles away from the ideals we've continuously preached to the rest of the world.

And that, to me at least, is the entire problem we as a people are facing. The current immigration crisis is the inevitable result of unrealistic expectations of what the Western World, and America in particular, truly engender. We sold our country as that shining city on the hill, which like most sales pitches was far more than it was truly worth. And other nations enthusiastically bought into that exorbitant vision.

Now the rest of the world is coming to collect, and finding our land to be just as dilapidated and morally bankrupt as any other. The countries who once helped us defeat both Fascism and Communism are understandably upset, and so are abandoning the causes we've long championed: Democracy, Christianity, and Mercantilism. And as they do so, our once mighty hegemonic domain is beginning to crumble around us, leaving us in full-scale retreat on all fronts: in East Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe... and so on.

So then, is there any way out of this nightmare? That must be what most decent people are thinking. And I must be brutally honest with the reader: based upon my knowledge of history, no, there is not. Second chances of the magnitude given to an entire nation are few and far between, and once a people set off down such a dark and foreboding path as we are now on, with each step it becomes infinitely more difficult to right the ship, and scale back up the cliff face. We must cease our belligerence now, as of June 24th, 2018, if we are to have any hope of reconciliation with both humanity and the Divine forces of heaven. Otherwise, we will be wiped off the face of this Earth, with nary a single pair of lips even so much as uttering our nation's name, but as a curse, from our demise until the end of time itself.

I know these times do not feel that significant for most people. Many are in fact giddy with excitement. That is by design, for the more consequential a misdeed is, the more apt the human mind is to overlook its importance. But as each of us eventually learns, "pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

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