The Funeral

Many out there may be wondering why I made this website, and filled it with seemingly random songs and music videos.

As with most things in life, the explanation is fairly underwhelming, and much less exciting than most would hope. I created this website almost entirely with my family in mind. Nearly all of the songs are directed towards them, including the loving ones, the remorseful ones, the angry ones, and the fearful ones.

I have found families to be by their very nature a complete mystery. You are thrust into this world, surrounded by perfect strangers who you share but a fleeting existence with, before being suddenly and surreptitiously torn away from them, destined for who knows where. And it seems as though you've barely begun to know any of them before you're both bidding tearful farewells and preparing for the loneliness that follows your separation.

I would personally like for my own family members to know me as a person. They have little interest in doing so while I'm alive of course, but once I'm gone, and they begin to ask themselves "who was this man", I hope they will find some answers in whatever music, art and literature survives my demise. They will find it to be a tale like most others, of a man who has been touched by both good and evil, and who has lived through both sorrow and joy, but who has endured it all with but one persistent hope: that those he loves might remember him fondly after he is gone.

As for everyone else in this world, if you consider yourself my friend, then please listen to my music, for it is the only language I truly speak. And if you consider yourself my sworn enemy, then you too can listen, though I would plead with you not to torture yourself in a vain and unholy quest to demonstrate my fallibility, since it is something most already know.

If you consider yourself neither friend nor foe though, and if a certain song or piece of artwork on this website speaks to you, then listen. If another song sounds boring, distasteful, cacophonous, etc, then feel free to turn it off, and move onto something more enjoyable. You, the audience, are the kings and queens, and your decree dictates which songs grace your ears, and which do not. Anything else would be an offense to the basic decency which governs the human heart.

Thank you to all, and happy hunting!

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