Seven Nation Army

A brief message to White Supremacists (that's right, you):

With all due respect, all available evidence points to brown people having invented civilization. 99% of the most vital technologies you enjoy -- the wheel, writing, agriculture, roads, mining, mathematics, codified law, etc -- were invented over 4000 years ago in the Middle East by the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Persians, while white people were still living in caves in Europe, and black people were living in mud huts in Africa. Brown people also founded nearly all of the world's major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism (yes, ancient Mizrahi Jews were brown-skinned), Christianity (yes, Jesus was a Nazarean and thus also brown-skinned), Islam, etc. None of this is a matter of debate. It is simple historical fact.

Since then, other peoples have made some very impressive improvements to existing technologies, and have even come up with a few new ones. But if we're to be fair, we have to acknowledge the truth: that the most essential building blocks of civilization -- the foundations upon which everything else has since been built -- had already been conceived of long before Europeans rose to prominence.

Moreover, most Americans of European descent come from nations which were never part of the Roman Empire: Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, Russia, Poland, etc. These were not considered to be "civilized" lands until after both the days of the Roman Empire and the millennium-long Dark Ages. In fact, it was not until the Renaissance Era that they even began making meaningful and lasting technological and cultural contributions to the rest of humanity. And personally, as someone who is part Scots-Irish, I have found my own people to have been barbarians marred in centuries-long clan warfare even through the Age of Enlightenment, and who were not considered civilized until they were finally conquered by the English, around the same time the New World was colonized.

The Nazis understood all of the above facts, which is why they spent the better part of a decade searching desperately for an advanced white nation -- the "Aryan" Lost City of Atlantis -- that they claimed to have predated the dawn of human civilization. Despite their best efforts, they never found it, which begs the question: if such a vast and powerful nation existed, where are its remnants?

So in conclusion, when white supremacists ask what "all these other races" contributed to the modern world, the obvious answer is: a heck of a lot more than your barbarian ancestors ever did.

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