Say That You Love Me

There are two sides to every story. One night years ago I stood accused of breaking and entering my elder sister's house. I was not arrested by the police for it, of course, because I had not in actuality broken in. She had given me the key to her house and invited me to come by, but when I did there was no one home, and the burglar alarm went off. She had also told me the alarm code, which it took me precious seconds to recall. And in that time the police were called. But after explaining the situation to them, they left.

That was the moment though, when I knew deep down in my heart that my elder sister loved money, power and fame more than she loved me, and was looking for any opportunity to betray me to a humiliating death, using whatever underhanded tactics would suffice. The same thing had happened to my younger sibling and their spouse, who had also had an unfortunate run-in with the police under almost identical circumstances. Both of us had received much public praise and adulation from her, but behind closed doors, she was our enemy.

Eventually my elder sister would have her chance at betrayal, and would gladly take it, not knowing what it would cost her soul. To this day she remains tragically unaware. I suspect one day she will find out, as she has lost a powerful ally in me as well as many others, who could have defended her in her coming times of need. But until that day arrives, she will be like a greedy child who has stolen all the cookies from the jar, and is foolish enough to think they have escaped any reprobation.

Those who are honest with themselves will admit to doubt within their hearts when it comes to matters of love. This is why Christ asked His favorite disciple three times in a row whether he loved Him more than the world. The question arose because the disciple's actions betrayed those inner doubts, even as his mouth proclaimed absolute heavenly devotion. And Christ would have asked him that same question, a million times if necessary. The disciple was forced to repeat his wavering vow of loyalty until it became painful to say it, and to even so much as think it. Just that one small ounce of dishonesty was used against him, to castigate him, and to teach him that deeds matter infinitely more than words in this world.

If that is the discipline the favored of Christ receive, how much more so the ill favored? Their professions of love and caring, for heaven, the world, and one another will surely be used as condemnation against them, and juxtaposed with the cruelties they enact upon one another. None of it goes unseen, nor unheard, by the powers that reign supreme.

So when someone in your life cannot stop telling you they love you and care about you, do not take their empty words at face value. The more they tell you so, the less seriously you should take their professions of kindness. For it is not with spoken words that love is demonstrated, but through action. And it is not you they are trying desperately to convince of their loving-kindness, but rather, their own selves.

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