
Pay very close attention, reader, for I am about to explain precisely what Russia's greatest problem in the 21st century is, and how to solve it.

To begin with, there are many nations on this Earth who have too many citizens, and not enough money. China, India, and Nigeria are the first to come to mind. Population growth and economic growth are both exponential, so when population growth rate surpasses its economic counterpart, per capita wealth is decaying exponentially, and everyone is becoming poorer.

Russia, however, has precisely the opposite problem: their economy is growing, but their population is either stagnant, or worse, plummeting. Other nations with the same problem are Japan, Italy, and much of Eastern Europe. Left unaddressed, this will eventually lead to an implosion of Russian territory, as they simply will not have a large enough population to control their vast empire.

That is Russia's problem. And there is a very simple solution. If you have too much money and not enough people, then you must convert the former into the latter.

This can be accomplished by birthing subsidies. Seize the fortunes of a Russian oligarch or two, or alternatively, sell one or more of the President's billion-dollar mansions, and use the proceeds to generously reward Russian civilians who choose to have families of two or more children.

And Voilà! Problem solved. The geostrategic vultures will stop circling, and Russia will become a respected global power again. At the same time, the world will be brought back from the brink of carnage, for what is good for one nuclear power is ultimately good for the rest of humanity as well.

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