Road Full of Promise

I feel the need to explain the self-fulfilling prophecy that is bigotry. For in all of its forms, it creates the very environment that it thrives upon.

A very good example of this is the sexism that plagues the Islamic world. Muslim men cannot accept that a woman could possibly be their equal. And this intolerance causes them to eliminate any and all contrary evidence of a woman's capability. A causes B, which in turn causes A, and a vicious cycle ensures that women in the Islamic world have very few rights.

Believe it or not, this exact same paradigm is at work in the Western world. White Americans cannot fathom the possibility that a person of color could possibly be their equal. And that racism fosters an environment in which it is dangerous to be a successful minority. In turn, the lack of colored men and women who are willing to dare be successful convinces yet more white people that other races are incapable of success. A causes B, which causes A.

The solution to this dilemma, whether it be in the Middle East or in America, begins with the admission that it both exists and is a problem. Without that basic acknowledgement, no progress whatsoever can be made towards its resolution.

Taking that first important step requires the self-awareness to admit that we as a society have imperfections, and that we as a society have flaws. In short, it takes humility, which is often in short supply, particularly amongst those who have enjoyed unbridled success in life.

But the road out of entrenched bigotry in the end is the only one worth taking, as it is the only journey through this life which has a happy ending.

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