Proud to be an American

Pertaining to the claims of "white genocide," I will begin by striking an optimistic note.

The good news for such racial doomsday prophets is that in most places the white race is here in America to stay. That includes but is not limited to: New England, the Upper Midwest, Canada, the Northern Plains, and the Pacific Northwest. In such places, descendants of Europeans will find themselves in territory both hospitable and familiar.

The bad news is that everywhere else in America is not conducive to being white. That means any and all American territories stretching from the Southeast to the West Coast.

Why are white people in trouble in such places? To put it simply, there are too many negative evolutionary factors involved. By this I mean principally the unbearable amounts of sunshine that such areas of the Earth receive on a daily basis.

A white person living in too tropical a climate must continuously worry about the dangers of skin cancer, in a way that people of color need not concern themselves with. And it becomes a strong negative evolutionary pressure from one generation to the next.

There are other negative factors as well, such as the prevalence of tropical diseases such as Malaria that people of color have evolved over the millennia to become more resistant to. But long story short, the more equatorial the lands, the less friendly nature is to people who trace their lineage to temperate climates such as the European continent.

And that is the breast of it. Morality does not change this calculus, nor does hopeful idealism. In the end, only the brutal truth is of consequence.

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