Dragon Boy

The following is an introduction to the mathematics of combat, as often times such knowledge can serve as a decent substitute for skill.

To begin with, success in a battle is usually dependent upon how many foes you can dispatch within the opening moments. If you are facing ten different opponents, and you can quickly destroy two or three of them in the opening salvo, your chances of being victorious can be increased by an entire order of magnitude.

Secondly, if you have multiple allies fighting beside you, concentrating your fire on one target at a time will make you infinitely more effective than if you each target opponents at random. Also, entering the fray at the same time will be superior than attacking piece-meal one at a time.

Third, many people wonder which opponents to target, and in which order. Usually the order of acquired targets is chosen before hand, and having done one's homework in that respect can be of great benefit. In particular, one needs to calculate the ratio of a target's dps (damage per second) vs the target's hp (hit points). For instance, if a particular ship is a glass cannon, and has a high amount of dps for its hp, that usually makes it a prime target to be destroyed before its comrades.

If anyone out there is interested in further posts dedicated to this macabre subject, please let me know.

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