
If you are at a poker table, and everyone learns how horrible your hand is, it is time to fold. To continue gambling and tossing out chips at that point would surpass all foolishness, and you should expect to lose everything you part with.

That is the current state of American society. Everyone knows the truth. It has been made abundantly obvious how horribly the police treat minorities. Everyone has seen for themselves how nepotistic and unmeritorious our society is. We see the impacts pollution is having on the viability of human life, and on the continuity of our species. And we all know by now that janitors pay a higher tax percentage than billionaires. And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum.

Everybody knows these things, whether it be Americans living the nightmare, or foreigners watching with wonder and bewilderment from all the corners of the Earth.

And yet some among us still seem to want to play make pretend, acting as if we live in a paradise upon Earth, and that those who suffer somehow deserve it.

As I said: if you continue to gamble when your bluff has been called, you can only lose money. And how much you lose depends upon how stubbornly you try to stay in the game. If we as a people change nothing, and still try to prosper, we as a people will fail, and quite stupendously so.

I won't pretend to know what the best strategy is from this point on, but I certainly know what the worst case scenario is, and I can ensure the reader that there is no product of the human imagination too somber to give it justice. If we do not change our ways, then the American experiment ends, and it will take the vast majority of us with it.

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