Come Out and Play

The greatest benefactors of Affirmative Action in America have been rural white southerners, and the evidence for this fact is overwhelming.

At the University of North Carolina for example, the number of out-of-state students who can be enrolled has been capped at 25%. Competition for those few seats is fierce, and the standards for entry much higher than for normal North Carolina residents.

Moreover, UNC public schools employ a system of county quotas, which means that rural North Carolinians, most of whom have inferior qualifications, are favored over students from cities and counties with higher population densities.

What would the result be if neither of these policies were in place? Well, to make a long story short, rural whites would be almost completely excluded from incoming classes, with nine out of ten seats being taken by both urban North Carolinians and metropolitan out-of-state students from states like New York , Massachusetts, and New Jersey. The entire system would cease to be an institution of, by, and for the people of their state, and instead become an exclusively international enterprise.

This is more or less the case with nearly every other public institution of higher learning as well. They are specifically designed to benefit the rural residents of their state, at the expense of equal consideration for all applicants.

It is not my place to draw conclusions as to the fairness of these policies. I can only point out the sheer hypocrisy of supporting them while at the same time opposing their minority-based counterparts.

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