Time of the Season

Throughout the prism of human history, the United States of America has emerged as unique in its ability to avoid serious repercussions for the practice of slavery.

Comparative historical precedent was less than promising. The ancient Egyptians are recorded to have lost every firstborn child in their entire nation as punishment for having enslaved the Jewish people. And the city of Babylon was eventually wiped from the face of the Earth for similar such crimes.

Time and again, slavery has emerged as being amongst the most hideously vile of human vices, incurring wrath both Divine and Earthly. And the fact that the United States of America has thus far escaped judgment for both its culpability and its complicity can mean only one of two things.

Either our flaws have been weighed against our virtues, and the overall moral balance proven favorable, or we as a people still have debts left to pay, and there is a reckoning yet to come.

Given the historical trends, I would lean towards the latter. For as the wise often say: "the wheel may turn slowly at times... but it does turn".

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