Burning Heart

Today I would like to share a simple warning with my fellow compatriots. Whether you the reader choose to heed it is your own prerogative.

The world of Europe, Asia, and Africa, which our American ancestors fled from, is finally catching up with us. They are the world of kings and peasantry, of knights and damsels, of inquisitions and bloody reigns of terror, of oaths and of fealty, and of vicious warlords ruling hapless serfs. That is their legacy, and it stands in stark contrast to the daring American vision of equality, fairness, liberty and justice for all.

The persecution which the first American settlers fled from was very real, and was a symptom of profound disingenuity. It came in the form of dogmatic commandments -- a veritable chorus of "Thou Shalt Not" proclamations -- which were designed to quite liberally embellish upon existing religious doctrines and beliefs in order to personally enrich society's elite. The common man had no real power to speak of, and was granted no moral respect whatsoever. And that was how entire societies were run: faceless nobodies, living from birth to death, under the jackboot of tyrannical rule by a select handful born to fortune and fame.

If you were to take a step back so as to view a macroscopic image of modern American society, you would notice a similar and by now familiar trend: The rich becoming ever richer as the poor stay destitute, all while ever more behaviors are criminalized in the name of "moral decency", to be punished with ever harsher sentencing.

At some point, given the current socioeconomic trajectory, the uncountably many activities which have been deemed illegal will be simplified, and replaced by the one or two things which are still permissible to do, like eating, drinking, and sleeping. On that day, citizens will once more be serfs, higher offices will become imperial kingships, municipalities will be replaced by fiefdoms, and the New World will succumb to the ancient ways it tried so desperately to escape from.

Whether or not that is to become our destiny depends on each and every one of us. If we fail to stand up for our individual rights, they will evaporate faster than a drop of water in the desert Sun, and we will be left parched and starving, yearning for the freedom our forefathers once fought and died for.

If however we are able to reawaken ourselves, and invite the graceful spirit of fellowship back into our lives, then the name "America" will live on in the annals of time as being forever synonymous with the liberty and justice our nation once promised the world.

The choice is ours.

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