A Little Bit Dangerous

I probably shouldn't be mentioning this, but I will anyways: someone in my life has a voracious appetite for the murder of pets. Thus far they've abused or otherwise mistreated four or five that I know of, at least one of which they taunted and teased until it bit them, at which point they had the poor thing euthanized. And there are likely many more unfortunate instances that I haven't heard of.

Everyone has dark fantasies of some kind or another, but they say that those who act on their more sociopathic impulses usually begin with cruelty towards animals, who cannot articulate their distress, and then work their way up to humans. It's an express train straight to hell, and the sooner one jumps off of it, the sooner they can begin the long, grueling, penitent journey home.

This serves as a chilling analogy for humanity though. Entertaining the notion that, cosmically, human beings are not the top of this Universe's food chain, and that there are more powerful beings out there than us, what if we are ourselves like those poor helpless animals? And what if, while our master is delayed elsewhere, we are being taunted, teased, and humiliated, in the hopes that we too will lash out, and there will be an excuse for even the heavenly protagonists to agree that we must be put down? It really makes one ponder the consequences of even a single cruel word uttered in the dark corners and crevices of this world.

As for my pet-murdering acquaintance, I care enough about them that I will keep their identity secret for now. They know who they are though, and they also know that the day is rapidly approaching when they must either "shape up or ship out" so to say. They have been clever enough to escape justice, but intellect diminishes with age, as much so as does negligence increase. And who knows: they may one day find themselves on the receiving end of just as merciless a gauntlet of cruelty as they have inflicted upon the lesser beings of this world. Because life has a funny way of repaying us for our each and every action... with interest.

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