Get Off Of My Cloud

There's been much speculation on the internet about what this website's name means. Does the "C" stand for "Court"? Does it stand for some derogatory word like "Chink"? Is the "CS" short for "Computer Science"? Or is the entire word in another language, like the Amharic word for "cats", or the Bengali word for "sisters", or the Urdu word for "cottage"? Is it some sort of word scramble that must be decoded? Does it even mean anything at all?

Instead of answering those questions, I would rather ask my own: why does it matter to anyone? As Shakespeare so eloquently put it: "A rose by any other name smells just as sweet." I'm aware of the human need to define things, but when people start disagreeing on what word should have which definition, it only causes conflict and strife, which is something I would rather not be a part of. Moreover, do I really need to have logical reasoning behind decisions like the choice of a name? I understand that some may be wasting their time probing this website for any Achilles Heel they can use to derisively mock me over, and a name is as good an excuse as any other, but I don't think the satisfaction of having something to grasp hold of would carry such people very far in this world. And that's really the only reason I can think of to want to pick my brain over something as mundane as an internet pseudonym.

So, much to the chagrin of the internet, I will not explain what if any reasoning went into choosing this name for my website. Like most things in this world, such information comes only on a need-to-know basis, and if you have to ask, you probably don't need to know.

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