War of Man

Over the past few days, I've noticed something disturbing in my conversations with friends: Americans don't know anything about Fascism. They understand deep down inside that it is bad, but they do not know WHY that is.

I find that to be dangerous, as it could allow Fascists to re-brand and resell their beliefs with sugar-coated language. So, consider this a crash-course in Fascist history and doctrine, from a semi-academic who has read enough about them to write this, so that you won't have to wade through any of their vitriolic tripe. Still, the following factual post will be ugly, unsightly, and many will not be able to stomach all of it, so continue at your own discretion...

The central belief of Fascism is that violence is a good thing. They advocate violence for its own sake, because they believe that it evolutionarily advances our species. So telling a Fascist not to be violent is like telling a Capitalist not to be greedy. They will simply ignore you and be violent anyways, because if they ever stopped being violent, they would by definition no longer be a Fascist.

The central protagonist of Fascist propaganda was the "Aryan": tall, slim, blue-eyed, blond-haired, with a long nose, and free of any inherited diseases. If you were Aryan, you were a "superhuman" whose bloodline could continue in a Fascist-controlled world. If not, then you were a descendant of the "Mud People", and the ultimate destiny of your bloodline was extinction. If you were an ally of Germany, like the Imperial Japanese and the Italians, then you were considered an "Honorary Aryan" who would survive only at the discretion of the Third Reich.

Fascists secretly decided in late 1941 that their official policy would be the systematic extermination of all the world's "non-Aryans". At the time they stood poised to conquer the entire world, so it seemed reasonable for them to plan for a Fascist-controlled post-war world. To that end, they planned to either murder or sterilize all non-whites within their immediate territorial control, and out-breed all other nations using "baby factories" in a program known as "the Lebensborn". American G.I.'s who liberated Nazi Germany bore direct witness to both the death camps and the nurseries.

The Fascist plan ultimately failed, and their leader in the end turned on his own people, accusing them of being inferior to the nations they had waged war on, and deserving of defeat. He then committed suicide as Allied forces closed in on his underground hideout.

The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals were unable to convict more than a handful of Fascists for the horrors they had unleashed on the world. 1 in 30 people alive in 1939 were dead within five years, mostly at the hands of the Fascists. But the soldiers were able to argue that they were "only following orders", while their superiors were able to argue that they had never personally lifted a finger against anyone.

The modern White Nationalist movements in Europe and America were almost without exception founded by those ex-Fascists who had fled the destruction of the Third Reich. They took up residence in other developed nations, and not only escaped justice, but spread their perverse philosophies to any disaffected and disillusioned people they could find. To this day, Fascism dormantly survives, waiting for the day when it can again find relevance in the Western World.

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