Let It Go

I've been asked to share my thoughts on the recent violence in Charlottesville, among other places. So I will.

Over the years, I've been attacked by racist skinheads, black gang members, the police... you name it. And what I will tell all of you is what anyone who has ever stared death in the face will also tell you: the executioner is nameless, faceless, and without color, creed, or gender. All of those things are but convenient excuses for the one who holds murderous intent in their heart. Those distinctions only matter to you, their victim, because you're trying to make sense out of the senseless, and understand why someone would want to kill you. But it cannot be understood. Not even they understand why they cherish death over life. And the more you try to comprehend the incomprehensible, the more you fall into the same trap that ensnared them, because it is the yearning for the knowledge of good and evil that leads each and every one of us astray. You just have to let it go, forget about the more macabre mysteries of existence, and move on with your life.

That's my advice to those struggling to understand this viciousness.

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