Ghost Dance

After Christ had been captured, and while he was being abused, he said something that I will remember for as long as I live. He told His persecutors that they had no real power over Him, and that it was the one who handed Him over to them who had committed the greater crime. He was of course referring to His betrayer, the rebellious disciple who had arranged to have Him apprehended, and whose last act in His presence was to kiss Him on the cheek as a sign of who was to be detained. According to contemporary law, that man committed no crime for which he would himself have been arrested, tried, or convicted in a court of law. In modern America, he would be a free man. And yet, he has come to be known as the single greatest villain in all of human history.

Anyone who has been thrown to the proverbial wolves at some point during their life knows precisely what Christ's words to His captors meant. You don't blame the wolves for tearing you apart. They are nothing but mindless creatures who don't know right from wrong. You blame the person who threw you to them, and who pretended to love you while plotting and scheming against you behind your back. Barring profound repentance, that person carries the guilt of what they have done to you to their grave and beyond. Even if they never laid a finger upon you, if they were your betrayer, then they are the single greatest villain of your life's story. And to the extent to which you are righteous, that story will be told for generations to come.

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