The Shape of Things to Come

The great Crusade of the 21st century will be between Environmentalists and Industrialists.

Every century has seen its great struggle. And in every case, the victor eventually became self-evident, as one system emerged both morally and economically superior.

In the 18th century, the battle was between Colonialism and Independence. The 19th century saw a similarly vicious battle between Slave-based and Free societies. And the 20th century pitted Democracy against Totalitarianism.

In the coming years and decades, the Environmentalist movement will grow in strength. As Green Energy becomes cheaper and more powerful, some societies will embrace it, while others will out of principle oppose it. At the same time, traditional fossil fuels will become less reliable sources of energy, and their deleterious impact upon the planet more pronounced.

As in previous centuries, the coming struggle will not simply be metaphorical. Nations will clash, and many will perish, as humanity's disagreements explode into open conflict.

But in the end, the victory of those who respect the Earth, and who have committed themselves to living sustainably, will eventually become all but assured. And humanity will move on to its next existential debate.

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