Walk Like an Egyptian

I decided to use my number-crunching pseudo-equation-generating program to investigate the Pyramids of Giza. In particular, I was looking for one or more ways of back-calculating the mysterious angles of the geometric design of each pyramid.

No one knows how these structures were built, or why the specifics of their design were chosen. They have held up very well over the millennia though, and are almost as well preserved as the mummies they have housed within their massive burial chambers.

In my investigation there were two particular equations which stood out. I began with the hypothesis that the base angle of each pyramid was 51.833°, which seemed like as good a guess as any other, since the exact measurements have been lost over the aeons. From there, I ran the equation hacker using the angle in both degrees and radians, and a week later, there the two equations were:

5((ee-23)*cosh(5+1)/2)/(2(22))) ≈ 51.833°

tan-1(2(5*(1-√5)*log(5!*3)(e-2))) ≈ 0.9046623289480920... c

As with many other mathematical constants, the measurements themselves are only known to a handful of significant figures, so there is no way of knowing how accurate these findings are. While they were almost perfectly correlated with the hypothetical measurements, no one on this Earth is privy to the actual values.

In conclusion, this was a fun mathematical exercise which took a few hours of my time, while helping to both demonstrate the power of computing and possibly advance the quest for scientific knowledge.

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