The Whole World

A friend of mine on social media just argued that the Northern Hemisphere was "on the wrong side of the cross." It was a reference to the increasingly widespread belief among the rest of humanity that white people have largely abandoned whatever faith they may have had, and have instead devolved back into a state of Greco-Roman Paganism.

If I were a younger man, I would have pounced upon him and accused him of racism, explaining to him that the white man wasn't the devil, and that there were good Caucasoid people in this world. I would have pointed to a white man or woman who had helped me at one time or another, or who I considered a loyal, long-time friend and ally, and boasted to him of their unending kindness.

But I'm not young anymore, and we as a people are living in a Age in which any reassuring platitude I could possibly share would ring miserably hollow. The truth is that I have no close or loyal white friends anymore. Any I thought I had have long since completely and utterly betrayed and/or abandoned me. I have been left with no rebuttal to the claim that the white man is the devil. The current generation of white people themselves have deprived me of that counterpoint through their unending treachery, selfishness, and greed.

So I and like-minded individuals, both past and present, are left looking like incompetent fools, blindly staggering about in the face of the near-ubiquitous bigotry and soul-crushing hatred which those we defended have casually inflicted upon all other peoples on this Earth for close to half a millennium.

Therefore, with nothing to say, I will offer no public retort to my friend, nor will I agree with him, but will simply let both his words and the tragic reality of the times we live in speak for themselves.

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