Who'll Stop the Rain?

I see many of my fellow men and women of faith these days trying to score cheap points, and going after the low-hanging fruit. They champion feminism, civil rights, religious freedom, and other personal causes in identity politics, mostly standing up for those who remind them of themselves in some superficial way, while largely ignoring the rights of those who look or act differently. Moreover, they only pick fights that they know can be easily won. They bully and dog-pile less powerful foes, but then flee at the sight of truly battle-hardened villains.

Such tactics seem reasonable on their face, but they also remind me of the parable of the bankers, which Christ once told to His followers. In the story, one banker invested all of his Master's fortune, and earned twice as much in return, for which he was both commended and rewarded, while another hid his Master's fortune in a hole in the ground, earning no profits, for which he was severely chastised and eternally punished.

The lesson of the tale to me is that we must invest our time, energy, and resources in causes which substantially improve our world, making it a better place for all. And we must not slothfully sit back in life and count our blessings, lest our inner boastfulness incur penalties upon heaven's return.

To that end, I have chosen to advance a cause which I feel impacts the most people on this Earth, and for which I can make the most difference. I have been cast out of stores and homes, beaten in the streets, locked in dungeons, defamed, extorted, and mercilessly harassed and persecuted over the years for speaking out about it. But I will continue to do so, for my fear of other mortals is dwarfed by my fear of the Almighty, who I know to share my concerns.

That cause – the defining cause of our generation, as well as of those to come – is Environmentalism, and specifically, Climate Change.

What most people fail to discern about this pressing issue is that it is not a crime we are committing against our children and grandchildren. No, it is a crime we are perpetrating upon our future selves, for we are destroying this Earth at such a rapid pace that the vast majority of those alive today will likely perish in a hellscape that is only a matter of decades, if not years, away from realization.

Unlike identity politics, no one group of people stands to materially benefit from Environmentalism. In fact, we stand to lose much of our wealth as we fight to avert climatological disaster. But the price of stopping Climate Change is only rivaled by the price of doing nothing; of sitting back and counting humanity's blessings as they are slowly whittled away and squandered in our quest for comfort and ease of living.

If you share these concerns, and want a livable future for all people on this planet, then I would encourage you to contribute your own time and energy to this effort as well. I will not tell you how best to do so, principally because I too am a student who is learning as he progresses. But the one thing I can assure you is that, if your motivations are pure, you will accomplish more than your wildest imaginations could ever envision. And to that end, I wish you and like-minded people the best of luck.

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