O Fortuna

I thought it might be prudent to embellish my previous post, so as not to give the impression that I'm stodgy or puerile. I truly despise people who complain about the trials they are enduring, as if everyone else isn't suffering as well, because the tale of life on this Earth is one of near ubiquitous woe and misery. But I will share my story nonetheless, mostly on behalf of those whose lives are even less bearable than my own. Because the truth is that even as a person of color living in suburban America, it's never been necessary to go out in search of trouble, as trouble has usually come knocking on my very front door without any solicitation on my part. To reiterate that point, I would like to provide a list of crimes I've been a victim of over the years. It's quite an extensive list, so bear with me:

- I've been assaulted

- I've been threatened

- I've been stalked

- I've been harassed

- I've been the target of espionage

- I've been the target of extortion

- I've been the target of armed robbery

- I've been the target of attempted kidnapping

- I've been unlawfully detained without charge

- I've been the target of police brutality

- I've been poisoned

- I've been defrauded

- I've been burglarized

- I've been subjected to breaking and entering

- I've been subject to libel and defamation

- I've been the target of attempted murder

And again, a disclaimer: some of these attacks were so severe that they rendered me unconscious, so I cannot say for certain that even more vicious and heinous crimes were not perpetrated against me. If they were, then the criminals in question will probably never be so much as apprehended, much less brought to justice, which is a bit of a shame.

The obvious question the reader must have is: why not call the police? The answer is that the police in this country are so corrupt that their hostility towards victims rivals or even surpasses that towards criminals. Experience has taught me that when the police are called, they will ruin everyone's day, before making everyone thank them for it. And so the police have become the last, most desperate resort for most citizens, rather than the first.

So, having learned this, and knowing that I'm one of the more fortunate members of American society, I would have the reader educate me at this point: Do I live in the land of the free and home of the brave? Or am I living in a failed society?

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