
This evening I shared my personal feelings with a few of my friends about the times we are all living through. In particular, I expressed my fervent desire that things matter again on planet Earth. I've simply grown tired of the lying, cheating, theft, and general state of complete degradation in our society. I've been hearing far too many stories of neighbors betraying neighbors, friends and family members spying on and bearing false witness against one another, people being raped, abused, and even murdered without the slightest legal consequences, and all of it being done without a second thought having been given as to the eventual consequences of such behavior.

In a way, I understand where the growing unrest is coming from. After the supposedly Evangelical "Christians" invaded the Middle East, slaughtering and displacing millions of innocent civilians, people the world over have grown disillusioned with Christianity in general, and Anglo-Saxon Protestantism in particular. But can anyone realistically argue that the alternatives to Christian rule have historically been any better? Pagans from Alexander the Great to Ghengis Khan wiped out entire ethnic groups over the pettiest of grievances, while Muslims enslaved as many if not more downtrodden souls over the centuries as did their Christian counterparts.

I haven't asked for much over the years, whether of mortals or of the powers of heaven. But as of now, that will change. I will not publicly disclose my prayers, as it's not this misbegotten world's business to know of my private life. Just be aware that henceforth, I will be eagerly waiting in anticipation of a great deal of social change. Perhaps it will come in my lifetime, perhaps not. And things will almost certainly get worse before they get better. But at this point, any amount of suffering in the furtherance of the ideals I hold dear is far superior to the stagnation and decay which slowly consumes the human soul. So I will pray. And hope. And wait for that day, when things matters again, and when I can once more feel proud to call myself a human being.

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