Imperial March

It is my belief that we are living in the waning days of the American Republic, which will soon be supplanted by the American Empire.

But before I offer an explanation, I must first remind the reader of why the American Republic was founded, and what it originally stood for, as without such knowledge, the future of America will make little sense.

When this country was originally established, it was seen by the Founding Fathers, most of whom were slave owners, as a way to perpetuate white supremacy on the continent, which was vulnerable in the absence of British colonial rule. Blacks in early America had no rights, nor did Native-Americans. Only land-owning Anglo-Saxons were allowed the opportunity to participate in American "democracy" in the early days. Even Irish-Americans were politically excluded.

And since those times, little has changed. While the definition of "white" has expanded to include all those of European descent, the rest of the country has remained politically marginalized. Native-Americans were largely exterminated, and African-Americans were denied the official right to vote until less than fifty years ago. Even after that point in time, draconian "felony" laws targeting Black communities for non-violent offenses stripped tens of millions of their voting rights, leaving them in a de facto state of slavery.

Why does all of this matter? Because without the understanding that America is synonymous with white supremacy, one cannot understand why the American Republic must perish. America was never devoted to human or civil rights, nor was it a bastion of freedom or a shining city on the hill. Those claims were shear propaganda, as anyone who has ever lived under the jackboot of American domestic tyranny can easily confirm. It was devoted instead to preserving and expanding white hegemony, and in particular Anglo-Saxon culture, over the rest of the globe.

And as of this writing, that mission has been greatly imperiled. The white race has been out-bred by all other peoples on this Earth. There are almost a billion and a half each of Africans, Muslims, Chinese, and Indians, while Europeans are at the same time stagnant in numbers, their share of the global population dwindling to only a fraction of what it once was. Moreover, the wars of extermination the Western world has wrought over the past several centuries in an attempt to mitigate the problem have had the unintended effect of flooding their own lands with desperate refugees, whose numbers threaten to overwhelm their people.

Nowhere is this being felt more than in America, where those of European descent will soon find themselves a minority. If America as a nation were committed to democratic principles, as it has always claimed to be, then that fact would not pose a problem. But as things stand, America has instead committed itself to white supremacy, and white dominance. Therefore, to preserve itself, it must consolidate its power, and deprive non-whites of their voting rights, their citizenship, and if necessary, their very lives.

There are only two possibilities facing white people in America at this point: they can either lose their power, or lose their principles. And no group of people on this Earth has ever willingly chosen the former option. They have always doubled down on their insanity, their oppression, and their ruthlessness, in an attempt to prolong their rule over others for as long as humanly possible. America will be no exception.

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